Performed at The Curzon Centre - November 2022
Pictures by Emma Woods
Full gallery by Antony Sendall to come soon - please check back later
Book by Heather Hach
Music and Lyrics by Laurence O'Keefe & Nell Benjamin
Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture
Original Production by Hal Luftig, Fox Theatricals, Dori Berinstein, James L.
Nederlander, Independent Presenters Network, Roy Furman, Amanda Lipitz,
Broadway Asia, Barbara Whitman, FWPM Group, Hendel/Wiesenfeld,
Goldberg/Binder, Stern/Meyer, Lane/Comley, Bartner-Jenkins/Nocciolino and
Warren Trepp; Produced in association with MGM Onstage, Darcie Denkert and
Dean Stolber.
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International
All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI